Nordom: Study Association Scandinavian Studies

From january 2000 onwards, Nordom has been the study association for Scandinavian Studies. Our members study Danish, Norwegian or Swedish or just take great interest in Scandinavia.

We have about a hundred members, so you’ll get to know almost everyone! You will make lots of new friends this way and maybe even build up a network for later in life.


Nordom organizes many events surrounding Scandinavia. We celebrate several Scandinavian holidays, such as Lucia and Midsommar. On top of that we often organize study-related events such as workshops or lectures and of course our annual study trip. Finally we regularly have drinks together (so-called borrels) at Café van Zuylen, right around the corner from the faculty, and every once in a while we watch a Scandinavian film or TV-series together.

In this way you can get to know your fellow students and other members of the association in a hyggelig way. We also invite exchange students from Scandinavia to our borrels, so you can practice your Danish, Norwegian or Swedish with a native. If you’re an exchange student yourself, do come along as well and speak your mother tongue with someone eager to learn your language!


The day-to-day affairs are arranged by the board. If you have any questions, you can always send them a message or talk to them in the corridors of the PCH!

In addition to the board, Nordom has a number of committees. The journal committee produces our association magazine: Noorderlicht. If you like writing, please contact them, because members are always free to submit articles!
In addition, Nordom has a travel committee that organizes the annual study trip. The registration for this is usually around the end of block 1.

Statutes, Rules & Plans

The statutes form the ground rules of our association. In addition, Nordom has an internal regulation (IR) in which, among other things, administrative duties are laid down. The current statutes and IR can be viewed below. Within Nordom, the code of conduct of the University of Amsterdam also applies.
We expect all members to comply with the statutes, HR and the UvA code of conduct.

Nordom is made by its members. This also means that the board will be completely open about the ins and outs of the association. The plans of the current board, as well as the achievements of the previous board can be read in the policy plan and annual report respectively. Memebers can request the Secretary to see these documents at any time.


Internal Regulation

Please note that these documents are only available in Dutch.